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Kansas City Art Institute
Visit KCAI
Summer Programs
Contact Us
Group Tour Request Form
We are offering in-person group tours on a limited basis, as well as virtual presentations for groups.
Full campus group tours are led by current KCAI students or Admissions representatives, and are 1.5 hours with approximately 1 mile of walking total. Custom tours are available for shorter experiences.
Requester's First Name
Requester's Last Name
Requester's Affiliated Institution / Organization
Requester's Email
Requester's Phone #
Approximate number of students participating in the tour
Approximate number of chaperones / adults
Age group of students participating in the tour (please check all that apply):
Age group of students participating in the tour (please check all that apply):
High School Seniors
High School Juniors
High School Sophomores
High School Freshmen
Middle/ Elementary School Students
College Students
Please describe the age demographics of those wishing to tour.
Please list your ideal date(s) and time(s).
Please share any further information you'd like us to know regarding your visit request.
Our Admissions Office will respond within 2 business days. Thank you!